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Fire Hoses

Emergency Evacuation

Fire wardens will provide direction during an evacuation, always follow the instructions from the Fire Wardens. 


The building’s alarm system has a two tones: BEEP BEEP and WOOP WOOP. ​The fire alarm system detects and first sounds on the affected level, along with the level below and 2 levels above, followed by the other levels. ​


The BEEP BEEP tone/sound is a preparatory tone and warns of a possible evacuation. ​


The WOOP WOOP tone/sound can be accompanied by an audible evacuate directive, which means everyone on that level must evacuate. the building immediately via the closest stairwell.   â€‹


Leave backpacks and bulky bags unless you are directed to take them. 


Always evacuate the building via the closest stairwell. The stairwells are located either side of the elevator bank.


Never use an elevator during an emergency evacuation. 


Students who may be unable to evacuate due to an injury or disability must report to a Fire Warden, who will assist the student to the landing of a stairwell. Once the level has been evacuated the fire doors of the stairwell are closed providing protection, and a Fire Warden will stay with the student until help arrives. In such an instance, a message is sent to the attending Fire Brigade to request their assistance to evacuate safely. ​

Emergency Evacuation Procedure and Assembly Points

Brisbane Campus Evacuation Map

In case of an emergency evacuation, leave the building using the closest stairwell. The stairwells are highlighted in green below:


Assembly Point


Assembly Point:

Ballow Street, car park area

Melbourne Campus Evacuation Map

In case of an emergency evacuation, leave the building using the closest stairwell. The stairwells are highlighted in green below:

Assembly Points

​There are two assembly points:

A1 - Queen Street - between Lonsdale 

        and Little Bourke Streets 

A2 - Hardware Lane - Hardware Lane &     

        Little Bourke St (near McDonalds) ​

Sydney Campus Evacuation Map

In case of an emergency evacuation, leave the building using the closest stairwell. The stairwells are highlighted in bright green below:

Assembly Point


Assembly Points


​Assembly point:

Church Street, corner of Rivoli Way (before Campbell Street) ​

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