New Student Enrolment Information
New Student Enrolment Dates
Trimester 1, 2025 Enrolment Dates:
Opens: from 10am AEDT* on Thursday 12 December 2024
Closes: 5pm AEDT* on Friday 14 February 2025
*Australian Eastern Daylight Time
Students will receive an email notifying that enrolment has opened on the day. Upon the opening of enrolment new students may enrol online via your Student Portal. For information on how to access your Student Portal please watch the How to enrol tutorial video which can be found on the Student Support Videos page.
With international borders re-opened and overseas students once again able to travel to Australia for study APIC has returned to compliance with the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code). This means that classes are delivered on campus, with a very limited number of online offerings.
Daylight Savings or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)
Clocks in Sydney and Melbourne are 1 hour ahead of the time in Brisbane. This is called Daylight Savings, or Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT). The time zone in Brisbane is in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and does not change during the year. Daylight savings ends towards the end of Trimester 1, 2025 on Sunday 5 April 2025 and all states will then be in the same time zone. Classes in your Student Portal for all campuses are currently scheduled in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).
Important information for Brisbane Students:
Brisbane students who enrol into an online class and the lecturer is located in Sydney or Melbourne need to attend the online class one hour earlier than the timetabled start time until the end of Daylight Savings on Sunday 5 April 2025.
Please select your classes carefully to ensure your on campus classes don't clash with any online classes that may be available to you.
In case of an identified clash in times please contact Student Services urgently by coming to campus or lodging an enquiry.
Processing your Enrolment
Students enrol via their Student Portal each study period and must enrol before the close of enrolment. During each enrolment period students are offered units that are consistent with their course structure, course stage and the units being offered for the upcoming Trimester. Students should enrol as soon as possible to ensure secure their preferred classes.
How to enrol tutorial video
Student Portal Login Details
Your Student Id Number (the nine digit number stated in the top right hand corner of your Offer Letter)
Your birth date in the following format: ddmmyyyy - use a 0 (zero) for single digit dates e.g. 01012001
Enrolment Support
Don’t hesitate to reach out to Student Services should you face any issues processing your enrolment online via your Student Portal. For students who are onshore it's best to come to campus during Student Services business hours (9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday) for enrolment support in the first instance.
Students can also lodge an enquiry using the enquiry form or call Tel: 1300 870 962. Visit the Student Services page for guidance on how to lodge an online enquiry.
Update your contact details
Please check and update your contact telephone number/s and emergency contact details before processing your enrolment. When you first log into your Student Portal you will be prompted to update your contact information.
It is the responsibility of all students to ensure APIC always has your current and correct contact information. Student visa holders MUST notify the College of any changes to your contact information within 7 days.
Key Dates for Trimester 1, 2025
Fee Due Dates for Trimester 1, 2025:
Award of Credit / Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you have completed previous studies or have relevant professional experience, you may be eligible for credit towards your course. Applications for Credit and required supporting evidence must be lodged through the online application form no less than ten (10) working days before the census date of a student’s first study period at APIC. This is to allow time for the application to be assessed and any enrolment variations to be completed before the census date. For more information refer to APIC's Award of Credit Policy.
Please Note: Students who have been awarded credit must accept the credit via their Letter of Offer. If a student has already accepted one offer, they will be issued a new offer which includes any relevant credit/RPL.
Students who have received Conditional RPL’s must submit official transcripts relating to the unit/s no later than 3 working days before census date of the students first study period for this credit to be applied as well as confirming acceptance of the credit outcome.
Online Timetables
APIC’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate timetables can be accessed via the Student Hub Timetables page. Please note the timetable is subject to change.
Students can check which units are offered for their course on the Units offered by course page. The online timetables list current classes and provides all the relevant details of the class: day, time, unit code, unit name, class name, teacher (lecturer) and tutor. The online timetables also indicate seat availability. The list can be filtered by class (Select Unit(s)) or day (Select Day(s)).
It's important to note that when students process their enrolment via their Student Portal the units available to select from will be based on the course structure and stage (course progression) of each individual student.
Editing your enrolment
Students will be able to change their subjects and timetable until 5:00pm AEDT on Friday 7 February 2025 (the Friday before classes commence). Further information regarding editing your enrolment information can be located via the Student Hub Online Enrolment page.
How to edit your enrolment tutorial video
Reduced study load applications
New students are required by policy to enrol in a full-time study load, 0.5 EFTSL, in their first trimester. This means that undergraduate students are expected to enrol in four (4) units and postgraduate students in three (3) units in their first study period.
Students may apply to study a reduced study load if they have compassionate or compelling circumstances or have completed at least one trimester of study full-time and wish to spread their remaining study load across the other trimesters.
Students who receive approval to reduce their study load may not be eligible to take a trimester break. Reduced Study load applications must be submitted prior to the Census date for the study period, the application form is available on the Forms page. Reduced study load applications for Trimester 1, 205 will open early February 2025.
Conditional Offer Documents
Refer to your COE and/or Offer Letter and Written Agreement for any enrolment conditions. If you need to provide conditional documents, you will receive an email that will provide a link to upload your documentation to.
Conditional offer documents are due at the end of Week 1 of the study period and must be submitted by 5:00pm AEDT on Friday 14 February 2025.
Fee Invoices
When you process your online enrolment, the Student Portal will automatically create a fee invoice. Please note that invoices will be reviewed and manually updated prior to the census date for each study period.
O-Week is the Week Beginning 3 February 2025
Orientation is conducted the week before classes commence. Every student is required to attend Orientation prior to commencing their APIC studies.
​​Orientation is an opportunity for you to learn about your rights, safety and wellbeing in Australia, your requirements as a student, the support services APIC provides, and to connect with your academic team and classmates. Orientation provides all the information you need to know to commence your course.
Orientation is conducted on campus and will be held the week beginning Monday 3 February 2025. The dates and times will be shared with you in advance.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Following enrolment, if you are onshore and don't have a Unique Student Identifier (USI), now is the time to apply for one.
Students studying in Australia need to have a Unique Student Identifier number or USI. Your USI is your individual Australian education identification number for life. You need a USI if you are:
an International student who is onshore in Australia and has a valid visa
a new or continuing domestic student
a student who has completed their studies and will graduate from 2023​ ​
The process of applying is simple, the online tutorial video which is available here overviews the process. For further information about USI's please click here. Please apply for your USI using the link below.​
Tip for students who have a single name: when you apply for your USI, insert a dash (-) in the first name field and enter your name in the last name field.​
Once you have received your USI, you need to record the number in your Student Portal.​
Trimester 1, 2025 Commences
Classes for the Trimester 1, 2025 commence the week beginning Monday 10 February 2025.
Student Services looks forward to welcoming you to APIC during Orientation and supporting you through your studies.