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Academic Contact and Course Information

No more exams!

BREAKING NEWS - Say goodbye to exams!

APIC’s academic team has been busy reviewing assessments and examinations with a key focus on aligning assessments to real-world applications and educational objectives. 


The outcome of the review is that, from Trimester 2, 2024 there will be no more exams! Exams will be replaced with alternative assessment methods that focus on practical skills and real-world applications.


So, prepare to immerse yourself in your coursework, engage in lively discussions, and explore new ways of learning. 


We're here to support you every step of the way!

Academic Contacts

APIC’s Course Coordinators can help you with a range of enquiries, including: advanced standing, unit selection and course progression. They can also issue you with a study plan that will map your progress from enrolment to course completion. If you require further advice regarding your course, you may contact your Course Coordinator.


Contact information for your Unit Coordinators, Lecturers and Tutors can be located in your Canvas Units. 


Course Coordinators:

Bachelor of Business (BBus)

Dr Jenny Katis


Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) &

Bachelor of Business Information Systems (BBIS)

Dr Jahangir Alam


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Dr Rosa Faaliyat


Master of Information Technology (MIT)

Dr. Oday Al-Jerew


Master of Project Management and Business (MPMB)

Dr Ahmad Kaleem


Academic Calendar

APIC's Academic Calendar is based on a trimester model, there are three (3) trimesters in one (1) academic year. Each Trimester is twelve (12) weeks in duration and there is a short break between trimesters (longer over the end of the year Christmas period).

12 weeks = 1 trimester

3 trimesters = 1 calendar year

The Academic Calendar provides key dates including the teaching weeks, examinations, enrolment, census and holiday periods.

Academic Information Handbook

APIC's enrolment handbook is designed to provide students with key information about the academic aspects of their course, and about the academic services that are available at APIC to support them to successfully complete their course.

Course Information

Important information about your course can be located on APIC’s website. You can also access your course related information by clicking the relevant course name below and gain an in-depth understanding about your course including the course structure which outlines the recommended order in which you should complete your units.

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